Server Maintenence is scheduled xxx. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Dash Video Casino Referral Program
Earn money by referring people to our website!
No registration needed -- your account is already set up.
Earn up to 25% of house edge on all bets made (house edge is 0.5%).
Dash is deposited into your account daily.
Referral accounts will continue to earn for you.
Refer users to an enjoyable quality website that people will return to.
No limit to how much you can earn.
Standard DSH network transaction fee required on withdrawals.
Give out your Referral Link to anyone you think will visit our website. If your guest deposits and plays, you
will earn Dash for every game they play! You can even use our pre-made
. The following Payout table explains how much you will earn,
depending on how many users you refer.
To return to your personal account, click on the "account" tab on any of the game pages. The link displayed there is your private access link. Note: Never share this URL with anyone! Your account_key must be kept secret!
If you would like to be kept up to date on any changes to Dash Video Casino or be notified of any new promotions, E-mail [email protected] and
ask to be put on the marketing mailing list.
And while we are happy to know that you will use this referral program in whatever creative and ingenius way you like, we kindly ask that you not spam or promote us in forums
or places where it is unwanted. Thank you for supporting us!
Your session has timed out due to inactivity. Please close this dialog to return to the site!
You have connected to another Dash Video Casino account from a different browser window or tab.
Dash Video Casino only supports one account in your web browser at any time.
To return to this account, please close all other open Dash Video Casino pages, and visit the following link:
PLEASE PASSWORD PROTECT OR 2FA PROTECT YOUR ACCOUNT!!! Click the "account" tab to enable this.
Good luck, and have fun!
If you want to contact us directly, you can email us at [email protected]
Withdraw money from your Dash Video Casino balance to any dash account using the form below.
Withdraw amount (DASH)
Destination address
WARNING Using "Return to Sending Address" can be dangerous if you do not know what you are doing. The address provided
for you in the field below is determined based on the anonymous transaction information in the Dash network, so it is NOT always possible to determine
the sending address. Please verify this address before withdrawing your dash! Please first attempt a small withdrawal -- 0.05 DASH -- before withdrawing
large amounts to this address!
Dash will be sent to your fixed withdrawal address:
Google Authenticator
Error message
Contacting server...
A small withdrawal transaction fee of 0.0001 DASH will be deducted.
To add credits, simply send any amount of Dash to the following address:
Before sending any Dash to the above address,
save your private account URL now.
Your account URL is the only way to access your balance, and
if the URL is lost, so are your Dash. You can find your account URL by clicking the "account" tab.
The minimum withdrawal amount is 0.001 DSH. Also, we
subtract 0.0001 DSH from your withdrawal amount to cover the Dash
network transaction fee.
If you do not know what Dash is, visit If you do
not have a Dash wallet, we recommend Jaxx Wallet.
Adding funds is fast and easy. Due to our 0 confirmation policy, you can begin playing as soon
as the transaction is received -- usually less than 10 seconds!
Dash Video Casino is a provably fair gaming site with 99.5% or better expected return.
You can try out any of our games using test credits (T-CREDITS). If you want to play and win Dash, simply send any amount of Dash to the address at the bottom of your screen.
Please confirm that using this web site is legal in your country.
PLEASE PASSWORD PROTECT OR 2FA PROTECT YOUR ACCOUNT!!! Click the "account" tab to enable this.
Thank you and have fun!
It appears that there was an error in this game.
We take every possible precaution to ensure things like this do
not happen, but on some rare occassions there may game errors
causing a false positive, and in all likelihood there was actually
no error. In any case, if you feel wronged or would simply like to
help us improve our game, please take a screenshot of this message
and forward it to the administrators at [email protected].
More information on this error:
Shortly, Dash Video Casino will be shutting down for server maintenence.
Playing the game is allowed until 30 minutes prior to shutdown and Dash withdrawals are available until 10 minutes prior to shutdown.
We're terribly sorry for the inconvenience and hope to have Dash Video Casino back online as soon as possible!
You can change the name that other players see when you score big hands or send messages to the chat room.
Your new name can be between 3 and 10 characters long.
Error message
Your account currently does not have a password set.
Your account already has a password configured. You must confirm your old password in order to change it.
Current Password
By setting an account password, you will be required to provide it every time you return to the site with your account URL link.
Repeat password
Error message
Your account currently does not have Google Authenticator enabled.
If you enable Google Authenticator, you will need to provide it every time you login or when you withdraw Dash.
This protects you from people that know your account link and your password, but not your Google Authenticator information.
Click the menu button, select "Set up account", and choose "Scan a barcode"
Scan the barcode below:
Once you have scanned the barcode, enter the 6-digit code here:
Your account has already enabled Google Authenticator.
Error message
Your account currently does not have a fixed withdrawal address set.
If you set a fixed withdrawal address, you will never be able to change it. This address will be used every time you withdraw Dash.
This protects you from people that manage to access your account and try to retrieve your Dash.
Destination address
To confirm, type the word YES into the box below and press Submit. After you press Submit, this setting cannot be undone.
Your account has a fixed withdrawal address:
This cannot be changed.